青海风机冷凝器蒸发器价格 河南制冷配件定制 济南冰鑫制冷设备有限公司
D系列冷风机是一种配套于氟利制冷机组使用的库内冷却降温设备,按使用温度可分为DL,DD,DJ, 三种系列,可分别适用于不同的库温,DL型冷风机主要适用于0°C左右的保鲜库,DD型冷风机主要适 用于-18°C的冷藏库,DJ型冷风机主要适用于-25°C以下的速冻库。
Dseries of air cooler is a king of au×iliary to fluorine and refrigeration unit using the library cooling equipement.according ti the applicable temperature can be divided into DL,DD,DJ
The three series,which are applicable to different storage temperture.strorage type Dlair cooling machineis
mainly applied to about O°C.Ddtype air cooler is mainly suitable
For cold storage at-18°C,free zer type air cooler is mainly applicable to -25°C.
6、Coil using staggered mode,reasonable,structure.The mechanical e×pansion pipe,the copper pipe and aluminum fin closely,high heat e×change efficiency;
7、shell form of spray plate,embossed aluminum and stainless stell plate.To meet different customer needs;High efficiency,selection of the air volume,long range,low power consumption.low noise,long serviv life.
8、use high-qualty stainless steel insulation resistance of electric heating tube is uniformly distributed on the fin,defrosting time is short,the effect of good;
9、can according to customer requirements for non-standard product design and production;
.冰鑫制冷设备___青海风机冷凝器蒸发器价格 河南制冷配件定制 济南冰鑫制冷设备有限公司
青海风机冷凝器蒸发器价格 河南制冷配件定制 济南冰鑫制冷设备