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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2017-10-13  作者:上海翔盈艺术品发展有限公司  浏览次数:12
  其保存需要放在阴凉通风处,药用价值尤其重要。如果药用价值流失了,那就得不偿失!Duck treasure, we must all be relatively strange, but also in the past two years, the major sites appear more words. Duck treasure is mainly used in medicine, the medicinal composition determines the market value, because in recent years, treasure duck (duck treasure or other special animal stone material) the probability is extremely low, so the price of a duck treasure the value of money, can even buy a house in Shanghai.
With understanding, the first is in the Yongjia duck Bao pharmaceutical Han Yuan, Hua Tuo founder of surgery for pharmaceutical, pharmaceutical compositions for the treatment of refining the many Difficult miscellaneous diseases. Since Hua Tuo, many medical home duck treasure pharmaceutical, until now.
Duck treasure is sale as price, price is higher than gold, is its medicinal value, it is reported that duck treasure there is content that should be reached five percent the medicinal ingredients of the finest duck treasure is, the higher the medicinal components, the higher the value.
大年二十六即到年尾,到处一片欢乐祥和的氛围。家在内蒙古自治区-锡林郭勒盟-苏尼特右旗的 木斯晨大叔正准备杀羊过年,小木斯晨正在烧着一锅滚烫的开水,大叔把刀子磨得特别锋利,大盆小盆一切准备就绪。木斯晨大叔就到羊圈里准备挑一只肥羊,这样就可以够一家人过年吃的了。大叔一眼看到一只老山羊又肥又壮于是赶忙跳进羊圈一把将准备好的绳子套在了羊脖子上,和儿子一起将那只羊拉出羊圈。就这样几分钟后老羊的命运就此终结,但是在杀羊的过程中木斯晨大叔发现了一件奇怪的事情:在羊的胆囊里竟然发现了几块又黑又硬的球状物,这下大叔有点蒙圈了心想养了大半辈子羊也没有见过这种事情。突然间想起曾经看到过新闻报道说在某地发现了一块“羊宝”价值不菲,木斯晨大叔心想自己发现的这几块东西也是不是羊宝。因为当时已经到年底所以就没时间去搞明白,所以就小心保存在了家中柜子里。在年后一切忙完大叔将自己的那几块羊宝拿去当地研究院给*看看究竟是个什么东西?经过了解终于搞明白了原来自己杀羊取出的那几块球状物原来就是所说的“羊宝”,有极高的药用价值。并且据*所说可以卖到几千甚至几万一克。木斯晨大叔心想能值这么多钱吗?于是抱着试试看看心理在网站上了解到上海一家可以买卖羊宝的公司,经过数天的联络大叔和儿子一起带着那几块宝贝去了上海那家公司。经过鉴定其羊宝的药用成分含量极高.并且单价高达16万左右一克,*后大叔的四颗羊宝共重15.56克共卖得248余万。木斯晨大叔回到老家后给儿子买了房子,。又花了近五十万左右将羊圈的规模扩大了。
Duck treasure, we must all be relatively strange, but also in the past two years, the major sites appear more words. Duck treasure is mainly used in medicine, the medicinal composition determines the market value, because in recent years, treasure duck (duck treasure or other special animal stone material) the probability is extremely low, so the price of a duck treasure the value of money, can even buy a house in Shanghai.
With understanding, the first is in the Yongjia duck Bao pharmaceutical Han Yuan, Hua Tuo founder of surgery for pharmaceutical, pharmaceutical compositions for the treatment of refining the many Difficult miscellaneous diseases. Since Hua Tuo, many medical home duck treasure pharmaceutical, until now.
Duck treasure is sale as price, price is higher than gold, is its medicinal value, it is reported that duck treasure there is content that should be reached five percent the medicinal ingredients of the finest duck treasure is, the higher the medicinal components, the higher the value.

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